While driving in Pennsylvania, a family caught up to an Amish carriage. The owner of the carriage obviously had a sense of humor, because attached to the back of the carriage was a hand printed sign...
"Energy efficient vehicle: Runs on oats and grass. Caution: Do not step in exhaust."
Words of Wisdom:
The Door to Happiness
When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us.
- Helen Keller
Street Paintings:
Street Paintings:
New And Strange Crossbred of Animals: What is the name of this animal, I wonder?
How to tell your husband you love him:
When the grass grows thick and tall mow th e words “I LOVE YOU” with the lawn mower.
Well, it's Spring time, the trees are all budding, and grass is growing, and the farmers have their fields all plowed and planted. The birds are singing, the turtles are on the dead tree in the lake sunning and enjoying the day. The sun is shining, the air is warm with the new growth of a new season.
I love this time of year but unfortunately it doesn't like me. The once clean white cement drive way is now yellow and my hunter green sable has a very special glow in the dark yellow. So my favorite color right now until it rains and washes some of the pollen away is called dirty yellow.
Just Thoughts:
Ever wonder about people who are willing to get off their fanny to search the entire room for the TV remote because they refuse to walk to the TV and change the channel manually?
Patience -- in time, the grass becomes milk.
The Unpside Downside Building:
Sunday after church, a Mom asked her very young daughter what the lesson was about. The daughter answered, "Don't be scared, you'll get your quilt."
Needless to say, the Mom was perplexed.
Later in the day, the pastor stopped by for tea and the Mom asked him what that morning's Sunday school lesson was about. He said "Be not afraid, thy comforter is coming."
Different Style Wedding Cakes:
Check out this Picture: Have you ever seen an water bridge before?
Give me a sense of humor, Lord,
Give me the grace to see a joke,
To get some humor out of life,
To enjoy life to the fullest.
Have a wonderful Day!! Don't let any bulls get in your way!
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