Home Is Where The Heart Is
These are some different homes, I have found lately.
These are some different homes, I have found lately.

The Internet is so very interesting.
I run across some really unusual things from time to time.
In looking at some of these houses,
I have a few questions.
1. Where do you park the car? 2. How do you bring the furniture up or in? 3. Where do the kids play? 4. On these houses, watch that first step, it's a dosie!
He told his grandmother,
"I sure hope I don't die right now."
She asked him why he would say something like that.
He replied,
"I sure would hate to get caught in that ceiling fan on my way to heaven!"
Their teacher was quickly running out of ideas so
she told them both to sit down at the table
and talk it out as adults would do.
The boy started off wagging his finger and saying,
"I pay the bills around here and I don't want to hear it!"
and the girl replied,
"You don't pay nearly as much as you think you do!"

As a preschooler, Perry was a very studious little boy.
He would think silently for long periods of time,
trying to decide
how and why something worked.
One day, during the ride home from school,
he showed his mother his latest treasure -a paper cup full of dirt
and a newly sprouted sunflower,
about an inch and a half tall.
He told his mother how he had planted this little seed
and that it was going to grow
very big and be a flower.
Then he quietly studied the plant for the duration of the ride.
When they arrived home he put his plant on the table.
Then he went straight to the parakeet's cage and began picking up
Then he went straight to the parakeet's cage and began picking up
birdseed that "Tweety" had scattered on the floor below.
When his mother asked what he was doing, he replied,
When his mother asked what he was doing, he replied,
"I'm going to plant this and grow a baby bird!"

Thank your for Visiting
for all your sweet comments.
Hugs To You All.

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