Irish Proverbs
It takes time to build castles.
Time and patience would bring the snail to Jerusalem.
Patience is a poultice for all wounds.
He who pays the piper calls the tune.
A friend's eye is a good mirror.
There is luck in sharing a thing.
Beauty will not make the pot boil.
Better good manners than good looks.
What's in the marrow is hard to take out of the bone.
You can take a man out of the bog, but you can't take the bog out of the man.
March 17 National Quilting Day - third Saturday of month
National Quilting Day celebrates fabulous quilts and those who make them. Definitely a ladies hobby, quilting is a skill that produces warm and beautiful results.
Today is a day to recognize and appreciate the quiltmakers, the skill and the warm and the results. If you are a quiltmaker, spend a minute to recognize and appreciate that you have truely been blessed with a special skill. If you are not a quiltmaker, wrap yourself into a quilt and enjoy the warmth.
Origin of "National Quilting Day":
The National Quilting Association started National Quilting Day in 1991. Their members passed a resolution at the 22nd Annual Show in Lincoln, Nebraska, on June 1991.
This is referred to as a "National" day. There is no congressional records or presidential proclamations for this day.
March 17 Submarine Day - the hero sandwich or the boat??
Submarine Day.... does it celebrate the submersible boat, or the big hero sandwich? Most everywhere you find documentation on this day, it hails today as a day to celebrate the submarine boat.
Enjoy Submarine Day by watching movies featuring them. Or, read a book about submarines. If you live near a naval museum, take a drive to see a submarine today, and if allowed, go aboard.
If you work at a deli, it's perfectly okay to celebrate Submarine Day with a hero submarine of your choice. If you own the deli, give us a deal and run a Submarine Day special.
Queston: What is the world's most well known submarine? It's the Yellow Submarine, written and recorded by the Beatles.
Origin of "Submarine Day":
Our research did not find the creator, or the origin of this day. We found a number of isolated and local events declared to be Submarine Day. The United Kingdom appears to be the most active country with Submarine Day celebrations.
March 16 Everything You Do is Right Day
Everything You Do is Right Day just might be a perfect day. Life is filled with ups and downs. Some days are good days. Some days are bad days. Most often, there's both good and bad in any given day. You take lifes ups and downs with a grain of salt. Every once in a while, a day comes along where everything you do goes well.....the perfect day!
Today is just the opposite of yesterday- - Everything you Think is Wrong Day. Sure, there is more than subtle differences in interpretation and meaning of the two days. But, you get the picture. Today is going to be your day... a good, errr make that great day!
We hope everything you do goes right today and every day.
March 16 Freedom of Information Day
Freedom of Information (FOI) Day is an annual event on or near March 16, the birthday of James Madison. Madison is widely regarded as the Father of the Constitution and as the foremost advocate for openness in government.
This year's FOI Day will take place on March 16, 2007.
Thursday March 15, 2007 is Absolutely Incredible Kid Day!
Absolutely Incredible Kid Day focuses on promoting the important role that adults have in the lives of children.
Don't you just love them to pieces especially when they like to redecorate?
Mar 15 True Confessions Day -- Confession is good for the soul.
Go into work today and tell all. If you plan to stay home, make an appointment with your mirror.
Do you know the difference between education and experience? Education is when you read the fine print; experience is what you get when you don't. ~~~ Pete Seeger
Experience is one thing you can't get for nothing. ~~ Oscar Wilde
A computer once beat me at chess, but it was no match for me at kick boxing. ~~ Emo Philips
Words of Wisdom:
Tact is the unsaid art of what you think.
Tolerance comes with age. By the time you mature, you realize the faults you see in others, can also be seen in yourself.
It is better to give a rock out of love than a diamond out of duty.
The real problem with your leisure time is how to keep other people from using it.
We see things not as they are, but as we are.
Everything You Think is Wrong Day
When : Always March 15th
Everything You Think is Wrong Day is a day when nothing goes right. Have you ever had a day like that...... a day when nothing was going right? Yeah, me too! Well, today is a special day in recognition that everyone has a bad day once in a while. It can even happen to you. We just hope that it doesn't happen too often. If you're thinking everything is wring today, just wait 24 hours. Tomorrow everything will be just right!
Dumbstruck Day
When : Always March 15th
Dumbstruck Day is a day to be totally dumbstruck over the things you see, hear and read. You may easily be dumbstruck to read that someone created this special day. Some people are dumbstruck on a regular basis, day in and day out. The events in their lives and the world around them are overwhelming. Fortunately, that's not you (we hope). However, everyone has their chance to be dumbstruck once in a while. If you are normally embarrassed to be dumbstruck, then today is truely a special day. Today, you can be dumbstruck like the rest of us without guilt or embarrassment.
Black Snake
It was the first camping experience for Jed.
As soon as he had pitched his tent, he went for a hike in the woods.
About fifteen minutes, he rushed back into the camp, bleeding and disheveled.
"What happened?" asked a fellow camper.
"I was chased by a black snake!" cried the frightened Jed.
The camper laughed and retorted, "A black snake isn't deadly."
"Listen," groaned Jed, "If he can make me jump off a fifty-foot cliff, he is!"
What The Bible Means
A father was approached by his small son who told him proudly, "I know what the Bible means!"
His father smiled and replied, "What do you mean, you 'know' what the Bible means?"
The son replied, "I do know!"
"Okay, said his father. "So, son, what does the Bible mean?"
"That's easy, Daddy It stands for 'Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth.'"
And the Race is On. Who will win? It's any one's guess.
There's nothing like sticking your head out the window and feeling the wind in your hair.
Did You Know That:
March was named for the Roman God "Mars"
Week Celebrations:
· 2nd Week National Bubble Week
· 2nd Week Crochet Week
Have a Wonderful Day and Weekend.
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